STATEMENT OF FAITH BAPTIST FAITH & MESSAGE 2000 Our statement of faith is the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. This confession outlines, in summary format, our basic convictions concerning what we believe the Bible teaches. Read the Statement CORE VALUES BIBLICAL PROCLAMATION We believe that God has spoken, and we want to know what He has said. ATMOSPHERE OF GRACE Having received God’s grace, we strive to extend grace to others. GOD-CENTERED WORSHIP We gather to worship and exalt our glorious, triune God. REGENERATE MEMBERSHIP We believe that local church membership is for those who show evidence of the regenerating grace of God. EVANGELISM & DISCIPLESHIP We strive to be faithful to proclaim the gospel while submitting ourselves to the sanctifying Spirit of God. GOSPEL-CENTERED LIVING We believe the substituionary life, death, and resurrection of Jesus fundamentally changes the way we live. LEADERSHIP MEET OUR ELDERS MEET OUR DEACONS PARTNERSHIPS pillar+church+planting+network